Regular Surfing Position
Left hand outside left rail, right hand outside right rail. While you are riding, keep your hands outside each of your surfboard’s rails , even when you are turning. This will help your balance and make it easier to turn. Trying to turn with both hands over the same side of the surfboard will most likely put you off balance. It also prevents you to lead your turns with your shoulders and chest, making it very hard to change direction. Look where you are going! Once you get the proper stance, don’t forget to look where you want to go as you are surfing. Your head is your steering wheel! Common Mistakes Don’t bend your upper body down. This is one of the most common errors we see students do all the time. Bending your chest closer to the surfboard is a reflex many beginners have, as they try to keep balance on the surfboard. This puts you off balance and makes it impossible to turn. If you feel unbalanced, bend the knees and compress the lower body dow...